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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mood Swinging

It's strange to see the changes. In my last post I was happy and optimistic. Now I am somewhere else, and I am not certain where that place is or why I am visiting it with such passion.
I look at my relationships as well as those of people around me and I wonder how we survive. All so different with small similarities that make us cling, however briefly, to one another. Do we fall in love with others because we see ourselves in their eyes or because we don't??? And if sameness attracts one to the other, is that a kind of narcissism? And what happens when one grows to the left and the other to the right? If we are attracted to the differences why do some people feel challenged to homogenize their partner, to make them the same? Are we afraid of the differences, threatened by what we don't understand?
Can one mistake in a relationship truly destroy it? Or is the error, the accidental moment, the breath of a lapse of judgement just be a first crack? Does the crack grow wider unaided by us, or does it require additional strikes of the hammer to make it urn to a chasm that can't be crossed?
Does everyone have little pieces of themselves that they hide from others and perhaps even from themselves? What is my secret? If I find out will I be able to accept it or will I be overwhelmed and swept away into an abyss of ...what??

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