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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Judge Rules Against ‘Intelligent Design’

"Intelligent design" is "a religious alternative masquerading as a scientific theory" and cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling in one of the biggest courtroom clashes on evolution since the 1925 Scopes trial.
The case is among at least a handful that have focused new attention on the teaching of evolution in the nation’s schools.
Earlier this month, a federal appeals court in Georgia heard arguments over whether evolution disclaimer stickers placed in a school system’s biology textbooks were unconstitutional. A federal judge in January ordered Cobb County school officials to immediately remove the stickers, which called evolution a theory, not a fact.
In November, state education officials in Kansas adopted new classroom science standards that call the theory of evolution into question.
© 2005 The Associated Press.

What do YOU think? Why?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I just looked at my desk calendar and realized in less than 3 weeks I will be leaving for England and Scotland! Last night our travel wallets and stuff came from the tour company. Josh was so excited he ran upstairs to show his friends. It makes me a little breathless to think that we are so close to going. He's excited. I am excited. I think even Neil is excited, although for him it may just be seeing us all worked up.
I have already schedueled our Jack the Ripper walk. And on New Years Eve we are going to a giant street party to celebrate Hogmanay which is Scots New Years.
I am so excited!


My car was covered in frost this morning. The bright red paint dusted with a crystal coating making it look like a chariot instead of an old 95 Corsica. The grass beneath my feet crackled indignantly as I made my way across the lawn, past the silent lighted deer that foretell the coming of Christmas. With each breath my lungs were filled with crisp frosty air that made them stop for a moment, shocked by the sudden onslaught of iciness. The morning was incredibly still, very little traffic moved down my normally busy street. I imagined my neighbors still tucked in their warm beds, heads hidden beneath pillows. Dawn was just touching the sky, a dull pink hue that ran into purples and grays.
The earth is sleeping. Like my neighbors, it is tucked safely beneath layers of fallen leaves and crunchy soil, its head hidden beneath a mantle of frost. Sleep well. You need a break. It's been a rough year. Hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes... And I thought I had it tough!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Something's Coming Up

With my vacation fast approaching, excitement building, I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect. This will not only be my first trip abroad but also my son's. My husband has been to England before (among other places). It's been a long time since we've shared the wonder of new experiences. He is 18 now and most of his new experiences involve his friends. It will be interesting to see how we relate with 10 days of one another's company. (Thank heavens my husband will be there to run interference if needed!)
Last weekend my older son turned 29. Twenty-nine! I look at him and still see the little boy. Of course he looks pretty much the same. He has grown into a fine young man (that sounds so pompous, but it's true).
I am amazed and grateful for all the good things G-d has brought into my life. I honestly do feel G-d's hand on me.
Several years ago I was going nowhere. I was struggling to make ends meet, suffering with illness, depressed by my inability to find peace. Then one day I simply turned my life over to G-d. I mean I really just said, tell me where I need to go and what I need to do. Since that day my life has been filled with blessings beyond belief. I'm not just talking about material things, but the peace of knowing I am doing something worthwhile, the health of my loved ones, the richness of life itself.
G-d is amazing!