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Monday, January 16, 2006

The UK Experience

Where to begin ... Day 1 I guess...
We left Knoxville and flew to Charlotte, NC. It was Josh's first flight and a short one before his MAJOR introduction to the wonderful world of air transportation. We had a bit of a layover in Charlotte, about 2 hours or so. It was a good thing because we had a LONG flight ahead of us.
We all bore the in-flight movies (Wedding Crashers sucked, can't remember the others off hand) and the food was the usual mediocre airline food. Josh seemed to have fun. Neil slept. I was wired and would remained so for about 24 hours.
Arriving in London was amazing. Customs was quick and painless. The train ride from Gatwick to our coach was wonderful. It was still daylight. A bit of snow fell as we sped through the outskirts of the city. We were met at Victoria Station by our hotel link. Then off to the Victoria Park Plaza. Mercifully they let us check in early. Small room but with a view of the city. Double decker buses, cars on the wrong side of the street speeding everywhere. Neil settled in for a nap but Josh and I set out to explore. Checked out a couple of local shops and a grocery store. Very different but somehow the same. Lots of Indians in the city (not Native Americans but India Indians.) Then back to the hotel where Josh zonked out for a nap. I was still wired so I checked out all the brochures, tv channels, anything to help me wind down.
When the guys woke up it was out to explore. We walked to Victoria Station, along streets with huge stores much like NY. Checked out a few food places while deciding where to chow down. Finally settled on a small restaurant called the Scotch Steak House. Not bad but VERY expensive. We soon learned EVERYTHING in the UK is VERY expensive. Food was okay and our waiter was a hoot.
Then back to the hotel to bundle up for our Jack the Ripper Tour. Neil wanted to take a cab but I had already figured out how to get there on the Tube so off we went. How cool. Clean and efficient. "Mind the Gap" became part of our vocabulary.
We arrived at Aldgate East Station to meet up with our Tour. A great tour guide (a lady) who took us along old streets filled with Victorian buildings and modern buildings. Step by step we followed the Rippers path. For a Ripper fan (if you can call it that) it was a dream come true. Photos taken and viewed that evening seemed to show ghostly apparitions. We still don't know...
After a good two hours or so it was back to our hotel for a good nights rest before embarking on our next day's adventure touring London. Neil and I rested while Josh explored the area, finding an Internet Cafe where he could touch base with his friends back home. Then Neil and Josh headed to the bar while I FINALLY began to wind down. British TV sucks. The guys returned with amusing stories of characters met at the bar. I was glad to have missed it. Next chapter - our tour of London, visit to The Tower and more...

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