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Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I have been reading The Tanakh and various versions of the Christian Old Testament. So much of what we believe is based on Faith. Our Faith causes us to interpret G-d's Holy Word. I wonder why people who hold specific beliefs, based on their own faith, insist on trying to persuade others they are right, their way is the only way. Is it truly the desire to help or is it ego? Is it the desire to bend another person to their will or to improve another's life? Is it out of love or is it control?
Some people DO seem to want to "save" others, to guide them to what they believe is the right path. Their Faith is firm and they believe sharing their experiences, their beliefs, is a mitzvah, or a good deed/blessing. That led me to think about my Faith. I am happy to share my beliefs and discuss them. Do I want others to believe what I believe? I want to share the blessings I have gotten from G_d, the wonders that G_d had shown me, but do they need to believe as I believe? I don't know that that is something I am concerned with. Love G_d and love your neighbor, all the rest will follow.

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